
Kia ora Koutou

Thank you all for taking the time to respond, your feedback has provided valuable context. We noted your concerns and the Minister has agreed that we undertake further investigation and consultation with a comprehensive report to be provided by June 2020.

As such we will be undertaking further consultation and looking at some of the points raised, for example;

  1. a)            Crown vs Council managed reserves – should they differ?
  2. b)            Can the current delegations be improved.

In conjunction with this we will be consulting with relevant iwi groups on clarifying, creating and/or amending delegations (if/as required) and improving the guidance available to Councils.

From here the above will be assigned to various staff/teams to take the work forward. Not all the work is expected to be completed by June, however we need to clearly understand the affect or impact of each to be able to comprehensively report to the Minister for a final decision.

LAPA and LGNZ provided a joint response to the proposal that was supported by many Councils, so it is our intention to liaise with both LAPA and LGNZ as the main contact points for establishing further consultation or where relevant, members for working groups. They will be contacted further once the work has been assigned.

If you would like any further information on the above, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Sheryll Johnson
Statutory Land Management National Advisor
Department of Conservation | Te Papa Atawhai
DDI: M: +64 27 203 0024

Conservation House Wellington | Whare Kaupapa Atawhai
18 – 32 Manners St | PO Box 10 420, Wellington 6143
T: +64 4 471 0726

Kia piki te oranga o te ao tūroa, i roto i te ngātahitanga, ki Aotearoa.
To work with others to increase the value of conservation for New Zealanders.

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